C# events

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all the materials in this website and provided links are just for hobbies/education and there is absolutely no guarantee for any aspect of . please rethink consult . there will be no liabiloity

simple example of events in C#


using System.Drawing;

using static Lib.IO;

namespace consoleapp1


    public class ClassRoom


        public record Student(string name, byte id);

        private byte Max { get; set; } = 2;

        public List<Student> ListOfStudents { get; set; } = new List<Student>();

        public delegate void ListIsfullDelegate();

        public event ListIsfullDelegate? ListIsfullEvent;

        public ClassRoom(ListIsfullDelegate howDoYouWnatToHandle)


            this.ListIsfullEvent += howDoYouWnatToHandle;


        public void tryToAddItemToTheEnclosedList(Student item)


            if (this.ListOfStudents.Count >= Max)


                if (ListIsfullEvent != null)








        public static void Main(String[] args)


            ClassRoom currentClassRoom = new ClassRoom(() =>


                prompt("class room is full ... cant take more student");


            while (UserWantsoRepeat())


                currentClassRoom.tryToAddItemToTheEnclosedList(new Student(

                    prompt("enter the name of student for registration"),

                    byte.Parse(prompt("enter the id of student for registration"))






namespace Lib


    public class IO


        public static string prompt(string message, int delaysInMilisecon = 50)


            message = "#: " + message + " ? ";

            foreach (char c in message)






            var tempColor = Console.ForegroundColor;

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;

            var ret = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.ForegroundColor = tempColor;

            return ret;


        public static bool UserWantsoRepeat()




                string[] yesValues = { "true", "True", "TRUE", "T", "t", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "y", "Y", "1" };

                string[] noValues = { "false", "False", "FLASE", "F", "f", "yes", "No", "NO", "n", "N", "0" };

                string answer = prompt("do you want to continue ");

                if (yesValues.Contains(answer))

                    return true;

                if (noValues.Contains(answer))

                    return false;

                prompt("sorry I didn't catch that pres enter to repeat");

            } while (true);


